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Getac Reports Fourth Quarter 2020 Results Earnings Per share is NT$4.40, Getac Board of Directors declared a cash dividend NT$ 3.6 per share

Getac Technology Corporation (TSE:3005) at a meeting of the Board of Directors held today, approved its audited financial results for the fourth quarter ended on December 31st , 2020. Consolidated Revenue was NT$27,838 million, an increase of 3.3% as compared to NT$26,953 million for 2019. Operating profit was NT3,116 million, an increase of 4.7% as compared to NT$2,976 million for 2019. Profit attributable to owners of the parent was NT$2,577 million, an increase of 21.0% as compared to NT$2,129 million for 2019. Earning per share (EPS) was NT$ 4.40. 

The Getac Board of Directors today also has approved a cash dividend NT$ 3.6 per share.